Some Painting/Customizer QoL Tweaks

  • Customization Eye Dropper
  • Copy Customization when Sampling Buildings
  • Automatic Pipe Coloring according to current fluid

Eye Dropper

Adds a hotkey (default Ctrl+Q) for Customization sampling/Eye dropper. The type of customization sampled depends on which type of customization state you are in. If you're in Paint Mode then it will sample paint colors (including custom!). If in Material Mode then it will sample materials. And same for Patterns and Skins.

Customization Copy When Sampling

When sampling a building to build (meaning, not while using the Customizer), any building you create from that sample will have the originally sampled building's customization copied over to it. Hold Left Ctrl if you want to sample the building and NOT copy the customization as well.

Automatic Pipe Painting

This is OFF by default and must be enabled in the Mod Config. Because there is no easy way to "undo" this feature once it has been used, I thought it best to keep it off initially.

Pipes, Pipe Attachments, Pipe Supports, and Fluid Storage will automatically be colored according to the fluid they are carrying. This also works for modded fluids and most modded pipe attachments.

* Key Bindings can be changed in the settings menu.

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SirDigby's completely optional tip jar

Icon by Deantendo#4265

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Indifferent Broccoli provides the server I use to test Dedicated Server mod support, and I highly recommend them. If you're looking to host your own Satisfactory server , try indifferent broccoli's 2-day free trial.

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Created: May 5, 2021, 7:48:57 PM
Views: 2,410,957
Downloads: 15,493
Reference: PersistentPaintables