DI New Fluids


Attention Fellow Ficsit Inc. Employees:

Ficsit Inc. is working on some experamental liquids and gasses. These new chemicals can revolutionize the way our industry works and a greater future. Ficsit Inc. is releasing these recipes to follow Ficsit Employees to further the research of these products. Ficsit Inc. Expects all their Employees to take all needed safety procautions when working with these chemicals.

Legal Disclaimer:

Ficsit Inc. is not responsible for any misuse or management of these chemicals. Any misuse of these chemical may result in Termination of Employment.

Stay Safe!


Fluid/Gas Buffers

*** Current Version Changes ***


Small (2 ports) 10,000 Tanks

Medium (8 ports) 20,000 Tanks

* DI NF 20T Simplified
* DI NF 20T Square [3 versions]

Large (16 ports) 40,000 Tanks

* DI NF 40T Simplified



* DI NF Converter (changes from liquid to gas and back again so no need for pumps)
* DI NF Spawner (You can spawn new color liquids to your tanks for display)(Cheat for vanilla liquids)


*** Special Thanks ***

- Deantendo: π˜›π˜©π˜¦ 𝘜𝘐 𝘎𝘢𝘺! - Creating the New Fluids Tank Logo


Naming Convention

* Desc_Name_{Type}


- L = Liquid
- G = Gas
- H = Heat
- RL = Radioactive Liquid
- RG = Radioactive Gas
- RH = Radioactive Heat


New Liquid/Gas Table

DI New Fluids Buffer (QOL) Logo


Created: Aug 8, 2021, 9:27:12 PM
Views: 2,473,531
Downloads: 28,203
Reference: New_Fluids_Darkplate