Elevators for your base.

We missed the old Elevators mod, too! So we decided to make our own.

For now there's just this version with MK1 to Mk3, but more will come, and it'll include elevators for vehicles, too!

We got vehicle elevators.

We got people/factory cart elevators

We got catwalk elevators

You can have your people elevator with or without rails.

You can even turn the (amazing) music on or off in the UI.

We've got mk1/2/3 people elevators which can have more floor stops.

The vehicle elevator is extra-chonky and looks like that cool one in Akira.

Things require power, have limits, all that good stuff. Nothing cheaty here!

The people elevator has 2 meter thiccc base, so you can either build it lower so it's level with the floor, or you can build a ramp i guess...

YES the vehicle elevator works with paths, see the in-game user guide! Beware! It's large. Takes a bit of practice to get used to building with it.

The catwalk elevator can have rails around it, but it's better if you build those before you place the elevator.

You can either use the control stations, or you can use keys to operate elevators (up and down arrow keys).

This mod is multiplayer compatible!


You can quickly select a destination floor by standing on the platform and pressing a Floor Hotkey. By default, these are bound to NUMPAD 0-9 for floors 0-9, Ctrl+NUMPAD 0-9


People and Catwalk Elevators, They work with Factory Carts!



Vehicle Elevator



Mod code, concepts and models by D4rkL0rd
UI design, icons, decals, sounds, concepts by Deantendo
Code refactor and multiplayer support by Avery 

Vehicle Lift fix by SirDigby

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Created: Jun 4, 2021, 12:29:11 PM
Views: 3,538,610
Downloads: 299,163
Reference: LinearMotion