Two flying drones that defends, storage and brings items for you.

CHAT COMMANDS: (Just Press ENTER to access)

  • /pd => Asks for items to your Personal Logistic Drones.
  • /pd [NAME_OF_DRONE] => Asks for items to specific drone.
  • /defender => See stats about your Defender Drone


  • Logistic Drone
  • Defender Drone
  • Defender Recharger
  • Logistic Receiver Container

PS: Where you build them in the first time, is where they will respawn every time you load the game.

Unlock at Tier 3:


  • 15 Modular Frame
  • 15 Rotor
  • 15 Copper Sheet

Personal Logistic Drone:

Brings items from your storages directly to you.


  • You can name them
  • Paintable
  • Alert Sounds
  • 3D Model Art made by JarrodT3D
  • Drop the item you request near you
  • Leveling UP: - Each Travel wil increase one level in the drone, and it will be 3% faster.
  • If you dismantle it, it loses the progress.
  • You can call a Personal Drone in chat with command /PD.

You can have how many personal drones you want.

3D Model Art made by JarrodT3D:

Personal Defender Drone:

It follows you, protect you from enemies and have a big storage.


  • It stops when see an enemy, to fight it.
  • It follows you, very close
  • It has a small storage box
  • You can only have one.
  • Every action will generate Experience points, that you can level up improving power capacity, speed and damage. (But if you dismantle, it loses it progress)
  • If it gets 0% of battery, will fly very slow, and will not fire.
  • Type in CHAT the command /defender or click on the Recharger to see the stats.

CHEAT: Use this chat command to change its Damage: /defdamage {value 1 - 10000}

Defender Drone Recharger:

If the drone has less than 80% of the power and finds a recharger, it will recharge. Put some available for it.


  • If it gets 0% of battery, will fly very slow, and will not fire.
  • Sleep Mode: 1MW Consumption
  • Recharging: 30MW Consumption






Credits: Icons, UI and Graphic advices from Deantendo: The UI guy!

I'm having a lot of fun making Satisfactory Mods and I hope you are enjoying them! If you want to donate, i would be very grateful.

Personal Drones  Logo


Created: May 20, 2021, 6:16:11 PM
Views: 2,743,815
Downloads: 76,065
Reference: PersonalDrones